Welcome to Bower Hinton Chapel

Bower Hinton Chapel originates from an assembly that met at a chapel in Pound Lane, Martock, which was founded in 1688 as a result of the Great Ejectment. In 1772, a section of the congregation became attracted to the teaching of the Reverend Christopher Hull, and met together in barns and cottages.

In 1791 a gift of land was made and the present chapel was built. In 1834, they joined the Congregational Union, and in 1972 became Martock United Reformed Church. The school room, manse (early 19th C), porch and vestry were added later. Since the chapel opened there has been a graveyard behind the building. Some of the earlier gravestones have been moved to stand against the wall. The graveyard is in constant use. Many people come regularly to visit the graves and to lay flowers. It is a priority of the chapel elders to keep the graveyard in good condition and continue in use for interments.

Services take place once a month or more frequently as required. Details can be found on the “Services” section of this website. We are not registered for weddings. We are however available for baptisms, funerals and interrment of ashes.

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Bower Hinton Chapel, Bower Hinton

A message from the Church Elders

Why is our Chapel staging concerts and other events?
We are pleased to confirm that any rumours that we currently have plans to close the chapel at
Bower Hinton are incorrect. Unfortunately like many other local chapels and churches our
membership numbers are at an all-time low as are the number attending regular worship. Our
chapel has a rich history as the centre of Bower Hinton village life, both spiritual and
Society has changed considerably over recent years, but we feel that there is still now a great
need for people to inter-react socially. Whilst at our present stage, the easy way out would be to
close the chapel, we consider that it is worthwhile fighting to keep it open. If we do close there is
a possibility that in doing so the village will lose an important social facility including the
likelihood of closing the graveyard to future burials. Keeping the graveyard open and viable is
our primary objective as well as continuing the use of the chapel itself for Christian Worship.
Our buildings are our major resource and therefore we intend to make full use of them by
staging regular activities. We are fortunate in having some very talented musicians in the village
and they have agreed to help us start these new ventures.
We got off to a great start in February 2024 with a Ceilidh. This was well attended, and we are
grateful to the band and Caller who donated their services free of charge. This gave us a
tremendous boost and encouragement to proceed with further events. Our first concert was
given by Blair Dunlop and again this was successful and other concerts have followed. We also
brought back the Chapel’s outside summer fayre which was well attended and is something we
wish to continue each year.
We offer a great heartfelt thank you to all who have contributed and supported our Chapel
events over the past few months. The response from you all has been overwhelming and we
hope that we can continue with monthly music events.
We are pleased that so many old boundaries are being broken and new friendships formed. We
now have volunteers from many who would not consider themselves “Chapel” but who willingly
give their time and expertise to what we consider to be a “Community Cause.” We cannot turn
the clock back, but we can do our best to encourage a warm friendly community feeling in
Bower Hinton Chapel.
This feeling is evident from the positive reactions received so far from those attending. Our aim
is to reach a point where the use of the Graveyard and buildings can be safeguarded for use by
future generations. Until that time comes, and hopefully beyond, we would like to think that we
are building a caring and friendly community here at Bower Hinton Chapel.

Bower Hinton Chapel Church Leader - Nigel Nichols
Church Leader, Mr Nigel Nichols